BRRRUDA it's happening!

Important information about the “BRRRUDA” shirts!

You can benefit from it if you have a good idea. Our shop has been overrun in the last few days. Due to high demand and many inquiries, we will give you a brief overview here:

1. Are there any T-shirts coming?

Unfortunately, all sizes that are currently sold out will no longer be available for the time being.

2. When will my order be delivered?

Due to the very high volume of orders, we cannot fully meet our normal delivery time of 2-3 working days. We therefore ask for your patience and understanding if there is a slight delay. At the moment you should expect a delivery time of 5-6 working days.

3. What's next?

At the moment we have to deal with the first onslaught. We will meet until Monday, May 28th. consider whether we will produce another edition. We will then share clarification and further information here and on our social media channels.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


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